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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Helen Babbs
The Title is Sylvan Cities : An Urban Tree Guide

Condition New

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Product Description -
'Clever, pretty, fun and informative - what more can a reader ask for' Sara Maitland, author of Gossip From the ForestWe're surrounded in cities by trees, quiet colossuses that most of us don't know by name. Does that matter It's certainly possible to appreciate a tree for its beauty, its shade and its shelter without knowing whether it's an alder, an elder, a lime or a beech. But look harder, and we begin to see the beauty beneath the bark - the tales of how trees are integral to medicine and art as they are furniture and firewood the stories of why wild figs grow on the banks of Sheffield's rivers and why the ash tree is touched with magic and mischief. As well as being an illustrated guide that will help you identify some of the species you see around town every day, Sylvan City is also a potted-journey through our cities' woody places and a literary hunt for where their wild things are. Inviting readers on an intricately illustrated journey into the urban forest, Sylvan City is both a practical guide to identifying twenty of the most common trees standing sentry on our street corners, and a lyrical, anecdotal treasure trove of facts and history, culture and leafy lore.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153679318

Unique Reference Number 2256991261