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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Helen Lansdown
The Title is Digital Modelmaking : Laser Cutting, 3D Printing and Reverse Engineering

Condition New

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Product Description -
Digital manufacturing hs become an intrinsic part of the modelmaking profession, so today's practitioner must be skilled in both traditional hand-making techniques and digital technology. Relevant to a wide variety of creative industries, including film and television, theatre, architecture and product design, Digital Modelmaking offers a comprehensive insight into the manufacturing processes and technologies used within contemporary modelmaking. Each chapter contains an in-depth explanation of each topic, presents examples of how each process is used and includes case studies from professional modelmakers and students. Topics covered include: making models using a laser cutter, 3D printer and CNC milling machinery generating 3D digital data using a 3D scanner and photogrammetry two-and three- dimensional drawing software such as CAD designing models for digital manufacturing selecting materials based on their suitability for modelmaking combining traditional hand-making skills with digital manufacturing painting and finishing models, and finally, moulding and casting using silicone and resin. This invaluable book will be of great interest for students, young professionals and everyone with a passion for design and making.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153679664

Unique Reference Number 2256991614