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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is LalalaLetMeExplain
The Title is Block, Delete, Move On : It's not you, it's them : The instant Sunday Times bestseller

Condition New

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Product Description -
The perfect Christmas gift for the spectacular buff tings in your life. *One of Cosmopolitan's 2022 hot new releases*'This book will change lives' - Tracey Cox'Possibly the best book on relationships I have ever read' - Jess Megan_____________________________________________________________Have you ever been on a disastrous date and vowed never to use apps againAre you blaming yourself for the things going wrong in your love lifeDo you always seem to become attached to people who treat you badlyThe sad truth is that when it comes to modern dating, there are a whole host of challenges and hurdles to overcome. From ghosting and negging to gaslighting and abuse, this book teaches you what to look out for, to make sure that you're not accidentally dating men with toxic traits who secretly hate women, or who just want to have sex and run. It will empower you to use your voice and walk away if you spot warning signs in relationships, by highlighting the red flags and the types of fuckboy that you might run into when dating, as well as the green flags and signs that indicate a healthy partnership. This is not a dating book that promises to find you a person to love instead, it will help you spot the troublesome ones before it is too late. It will help you to recognise that you possess spectacular buff ting energy and that it's perfectly possible to be contentedly single. Most importantly, this book will give you the power to BLOCK, DELETE and MOVE ON with living your best life.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153757749

Unique Reference Number 2267498423