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The item is a book Paperback
The Title is Digital Connection in Health and Social Work : Perspectives from Covid-19

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Product Description -
This book focusses on the move to digitally mediated forms of teaching, learning and practice during Covid-19 and offers a series of case studies which showcase positive practices during this time. Education, Health and Social Work services have all been at the forefront of national debate since the first UK lockdown in March 2020. Schools, Colleges and Higher Education institutions moved rapidly to online delivery, with educators, parents, practice learning partners and students alike compelled to adapt to online connection, disrupting previous norms and forcing a rapid acquisition of new skills. In health and social care practice, there has been a similar move to online delivery, whilst maintaining consistency of service and support. The pandemic also coincided with the recommendations of the national Digital Capabilities for Social Work project, commissioned by Health Education England, which produced a prescient framework for professional practice. This book showcases innovative ways in which practice and education have responded to the challenges of Covid 19. With ongoing debate about planning for the next pandemic, as well as adapting to the post Covid landscape, the book is a valuable resource for all those involved in health and social work education and practice.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153774503

Unique Reference Number 2319653399