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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Susen Edwards
The Title is What A Trip : A Novel

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
In this fast-paced coming-of-age novel we meet Fiona, an art student at a New Jersey college who is brilliant, beautiful, and struggling to find herself. Through her eyes we relive the turbulent culture of sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll, the first draft lottery since World War II, the Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam, the Kent State University shootings, and the harsh realities of war for Americans in their early twenties. Fiona's best friend, Melissa, is in a dead-end relationship, pregnant, and going nowhere fast. After Melissa's abortion, Fiona and Melissa spend a week in Florida, where they are introduced to tarot cards and the anti-war movement. Following this experience, Melissa becomes obsessed with the occult Fiona, though intrigued, approaches the tarot cautiously, with the voice of her conservative Christian mother screaming in her head. After Fiona's return from Florida, she begins dating Reuben-a journalism major and political activist. Reuben decides to move to Canada to avoid the draft and encourages Fiona to accompany him. But is that really what she wants Caught between her feelings for Reuben and her own aspirations, Fiona struggles to define herself, her artistic career, and her future.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153787653

Unique Reference Number 2257103442