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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Robin Wichard
The Title is Re-living Britain in the 1940s

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
The 1940s remains an iconic period in world history and retains a fascination for so many. Re-enacting the 40s is becoming increasingly popular but there is little available information explaining how to start in the hobby. This book is the first to offer enthusiasts of the 40s a way to advance their interest whether it be military or civilian. Each chapter deals with a different aspect of re-enacting from civilian roles including children to military roles with many different potential impressions explored for each area. Each chapter is lavishly illustrated with many previously unseen colour photographs of contemporary re-enactors and events. There are further chapters introducing those people who portray wartime political and military leaders as well as those who bring back to life some of the most iconic musicians and performers of the period. For those choosing to enter the hobby through ownership of a civilian or military vehicle, that is also covered with many examples of some of the most well-known vehicles. Each chapter offers a brief contextual history with detailed notes on where to obtain uniform and equipment, some of the best groups to join as well as links to related sites and recommendations for wider reading. No book can cover every single possible role but this offers an excellent starting point for further research and involvement while stressing the need to always remain respectful of those we seek to commemorate.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153798011

Unique Reference Number 2257113844