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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Louise Kulp
The Title is Intermediate & Advanced Punch Needle Rug Hooking : Techniques, Projects, and Inspirations

Condition New

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Product Description -
The first guide taking punch needle crafters to intermediate and advanced levels with expertly explained techniques, exciting projects, and inspiring examples by 26 Oxford Certified Instructors.For punch needle lovers who want to reach the next level of skill and enjoyment with their craft, Amy Oxford, the inventor of the craft's standard tool the Oxford Punch Needle and founder of the Oxford Rug Hooking School, provides instructions and artistic inspiration. In these pages, a combination of teaching, examples, and projects give makers a perfect mix for building their skills and for punching up their excitement.. Teaches next-level skills with designs to punch as you learn, such as-using novelty yarns with the Seashell Project,-sculpting with the Sweater Letter,-shading with Shaded Leaves,-punching with fabric strips with the Flower Project, and-two-color beading stitch with the Perfectly Paisley Project..Amy welcomes 26 guest instructors throughout who offer examples of their works that highlight the techniques, from shading with handpainted yarn to succeeding with narrative designs..For each technique and project, shows and explains variations created by different punchers and in different colorways..Gorgeous image galleries of works in a wide range of styles show combinations of the book's techniques and include the artists' comments, tips, and insights..An unusual source of inspiration: photos of the capstone projects that were designed and punched by today's top punch needle artists, as the final step to qualify for their Oxford Teacher Certifications.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 156646374

Unique Reference Number 2257214001