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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Tracy Darnton
The Title is My Brother is an Avocado

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
A warm and funny stage-by-stage tour through all the sizes of a growing baby - from teeny-tiny poppy seed to giant watermelon - from an exciting new picture book partnership! It's hard to wait for a new baby to join the family, especially when it's still growing inside Mum's tummy. But when Dad describes the size of the baby at each stage, one little girl imagines, while she waits, all the fun she can have with her baby brother as a teeny-tiny poppy seed, then a grape, then a lemon . . . But she's not quite sure how she feels about having an avocado for a brother. Or an onion. Or - gulp - a watermelon! This joyful picture book playfully explores the loooong waiting game for a much-anticipated new sibling - with an adorable twist at the end . . .

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This is a  great  gift idea.


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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153820295

Unique Reference Number 2257563030