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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Tyrrel M. Hawker
The Title is Hawker VC: The First RFC Ace

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
This fascinating book was written by the brother of Lanoe Hawker VC DSO as a tribute. The Hawkers came from a distinguished sporting family with strong military and naval records and Lanoe from the outset set his sights on flying for the RFC. After the Central Flying School he crossed to France in October 1914 with 6 Squadron equipped with BE2s and Henri Farmans. As the war in the air progressed so Hawker came more and more into his own both as a combat pilot and commander. He was rapidly promoted and given command of 24 Squadron. He, like other pilots, flew numerous machines such as Bristol Scouts, FE4227s and the famous DH2s. This book contains many combat reports by pilots of their missions and these make the most graphic reading. The relative merits, qualities and characteristics of the aircraft both British, French and German are discussed with pilots' opinions. For a better insight into combat air operations Hawker VC - The First RFC Ace is unlikely to be surpassed, thanks to the extensive use of first-hand accounts. Casualty/death rates were appalling but this special band of brothers flew on regardless until their turn came.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154697151

Unique Reference Number 2257392244