Opis produktu

Buster 100 EC jest to środek chwastobójczy, herbicyd z firmy INNVIGO. Przeznaczony do zwalczania perzu właściwego, samosiewów zbóż i innych chwastów jednoliściennych w uprawie rzepaku ozimego i buraka cukrowego. Ma formę koncentratu do sporządzania emulsji wodnej. Jest stosowany nalistnie. Działa układowo. Środek przeznaczony do stosowania przy użyciu samobieżnych lub ciągnikowych opryskiwaczy polowych. 

Product description

Buster 100 EC is a herbicide from INNVIGO. Intended for combating couch grass, volunteer cereals and other monocotyledonous weeds in the cultivation of winter rapeseed and sugar beet. It is in the form of a concentrate for preparing a water emulsion. It is used foliarly. It works systemically. The agent is intended for use with self-propelled or tractor field sprayers.

Active substance content:

Zawartość substancji czynnej:
chizalofop-P-etylowy - 100 g/l (10,1%)

The Buyer declares that he meets the conditions listed in art. 25 section 3 point 5 of the Act of 8 March 2013 on plant protection products and has been trained in the use of plant protection products in the case of products for professional users. Read the label and product information before each use. Please note the specific risk indications. Follow the safety rules contained in the label. Plant protection products may only be purchased by adults and persons who have completed training and have the qualifications required for persons purchasing plant protection products (Article 28 of the Act on Plant Protection Products of 8 March 2013, as amended). Plant protection products should be used in such a way as not to pose a threat to human health, animals and the environment. Buyers of plant protection products must be sober. By using the offer, you declare that you meet the above-mentioned conditions.