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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Asa Larsson
The Title is The Sins of our Fathers : Arctic Murders Book 6

Condition New

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Winner of the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year 2021 Swedish Crime Writers' AcademyWinner of the Storytel Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021 Winner of the Adlibris Award for Best Suspense Novel 2021"A masterful storyteller . . . An astute social commentator" Sunday Express"Larsson is one of the best current practitioners of Scandinavian crime fiction" Financial Times Forensic pathologist Lars Pohjanen has only a few weeks to live when he asks Rebecka Martinsson to investigate a murder that has long since passed the statute of limitations. A body found in a freezer at the home of the deceased alcoholic, Henry Pekkari, has been identified as a man who disappeared without a trace in 1962: the father of Swedish Olympic boxing champion Boerje Stroem. Rebecka wants nothing to do with a fifty-year-old case - she has enough to worry about. But how can she ignore a dying man's wishWhen the post-mortem confirms that Pekkari, too, was murdered, Rebecka has a red-hot investigation on her hands. But what does it have to do with the body kept in his freezer for decades Meanwhile, the city of Kiruna is being torn down and moved a few kilometres east, to make way for the mine that has been devouring the city from below. With the city in flux, the tentacles of organized crime are slowly taking over . . . Fragile yet fierce Rebecka Martinsson returns in a spellbinding addition to the Arctic Murders series, now a Walter Presents drama for television. Translated from the Swedish by Frank Perry

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 157332886

Unique Reference Number 2259909415