Purina ONE Chicken and Rice Formula Dry Dog Food - 31.1 lb. Bag

  • Purina ONE chicken and rice dog food is easily digestible with a microbiome balance and a SmartBlend of high-quality ingredients, including prebiotic fiber for dogs
  • With real chicken as the first ingredient, the high quality dog food chicken and rice recipe supports strong muscles, including a healthy heart, and has high-quality carbohydrate sources for energy
  • This high protein dry dog food for skin and coat care contains omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, plus four antioxidant sources for a healthy immune system
  • Is Purina ONE good for dogs? Purina red bag dog food provides 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs and features natural glucosamine sources to promote joint health for dogs
  • Is Purina ONE made in the USA? This digestive care dog food with glucosamine for dogs blends crunchy bites and tender, meaty morsels for extra yum and is crafted in Purina-owned, U.S. facilities

  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 20 x 24 inches; 31.1 Pounds

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