Velbon Videomate 607 Camera Tripod with Carrying Case | Video Photography Support Stand


This unit contains minimal scratches, scuffs, and dents in several spots on the body. The Velbon Videomate 607 Camera Tripod is in excellent condition, with minimal wear. The carrying case, although showing signs of previous use, is still functional. The tripod functions smoothly and is suitable for supporting cameras for video or photography needs. Note that the tripod comes without additional accessories. The tripod shows minor specks of white paint, dust, or debris on the main body. - The carrying case exhibits signs of wear with visible dust, smudges, and marks.

  • - Velbon Videomate 607 Camera Tripod
  • Carrying Case
Not Included*
  • - Any additional accessories
  • Manufacturer packaging
  • User manuals or guides

*Please note this is not an exhaustive list of items that are included or not included. If something is not listed here do not assume please ask.