This lot includes 3 Golden Guides for children.   "Reptiles and Amphibians" for which author and illustrator information is not available because the title page is missing (all text pages of the book are tightly bound) has sections on turtles, lizards, snakes, alligators and crocodiles, frogs and toads and salamanders. "Pond Life" by Reid, Zim and Fichter which was illustrated by Kaicher and is a reprint of a 1967 edition describes itself as a "guide to common plants and animals of Norh American ponds and lakes" and includes sections on plants, invertebrate animals and vertebrates - including lampreys, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. "Fishes" by Zim and Shoemaker which was illustrated by Irving is a reprint of a 1955 edition and includes fresh and salt water fishes and "278 fishes in full color".