All proceeds go to the Friends of the Manhattan Beach Library

We have more items for sale
Win more than one and we will combine shipping charges (15 pound limit)
If you plan to bid on more items, do not pay until all sales are complete

Payment is due four days after the auction ends
eBay recently change what to do for unpaid items
 and we can now cancel the sale after four days
No longer have to open a dispute

If you plan to bid on other items, please notify us
and we will not cancel the sale

We ship promptly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on our way to the library. 

Media Mail is a lower cost and priority bulk mail service.
 When Media Mail travels through the system smoothly it takes less than 10 days.

Occasionally mail enters a closed loop. We see repeated scans at 90052.
 If their computer sees that a 1.5 x 1.5 inch Loop Mail Recovery label is
 generated and placed over the bar code.
 That mail takes time to properly reenter the mail flow. 

We were recently made aware of the LMR label.
A package was returned to us with a LMR label covering the delivery address. 

Alas we cannot take credit for fast delivery.