Step back in time to a moment of wonder and amazement with these original postcards from the Montevideo City Council's press office, circa 1934. Capturing the historic morning moment when the mighty Graf Zeppelin graced the skies of Montevideo, these postcards offer a glimpse into a bygone era.

Imagine beholding the silver behemoth, propelled by the combined force of its engines, as it traverses the Montevideo skyline under the gaze of a full moon. From the bustling streets of Sur, Centro, and Ciudad Vieja, to the rooftops and balconies adorned with eager onlookers, these postcards vividly depict the awe-inspiring sight that captivated thousands.

Probably during its return journey through Argentina, these postcards serve as tangible mementos of a momentous event in Montevideo's history.

Don't miss the opportunity to own a piece of Montevideo's past and relive the magic of the Graf Zeppelin's majestic flight with these authentic, original postcards.

Bellow you have a resume of the historic moment.

Seventy years ago, on a chilly Montevideo night, the sky became the stage for a spectacle that dazzled thousands. At 10:30 p.m., telegraph waves announced the imminent arrival of the imposing Graf Zeppelin. Powered by the combined force of multiple engines, this colossus of a hundred tons and 2,650 horsepower, originating from Brazil, made its way towards Montevideo.

With marvel-filled eyes, residents from the neighborhoods of Sur, Centro, and Ciudad Vieja crowded the streets to witness the majestic passage of this "silver giant shaped like a cigar," as described by a chronicle of the time. Despite the cold, the full moon illuminated the clear sky while the Graf Zeppelin, with its lights on, hovered over the city at a height of two hundred meters.

From rooftops, balconies, and central streets, people attentively followed every move of the airship, as if they were witnessing a fantasy come to life. Accounts from witnesses like publicist Raúl Barbero or the cabaret pianist bring to life that unique moment, where the Graf Zeppelin greeted the city with a silent glide.

Commander Hugo Eckener sent greetings to President Gabriel Terra upon entering Montevideo, although unfortunately, they could not land in that noble country due to technical and safety reasons. The flights of the Graf Zeppelin, part of A.H's publicity drive, sought to showcase Germany's technological advances, but logistical limitations required keeping the airship airborne without landing on multiple occasions.

The return of the Graf Zeppelin to Montevideo, after its passage through Argentina, was again met with amazement. From Playa Capurro to the city center, people gathered to bid farewell to this symbol of the modern era. Despite the complications, the Graf Zeppelin left an indelible mark on Montevideo's collective memory, an experience that, albeit brief, would endure over time as a magical and unforgettable memory.