Big-Active PU-ERH Red Tea Grapefruit Flavor Collected Leaves

2 x 100g. (3.5oz)

Total 200g.

Original tea from a plantation in the Li Xian Tai Qing mountains, long-aged


Pu-Erh. Red tea. 
Exceptional quality tea from a plantation in the high mountains of Li Xian Tai Qing. 
Excellent conditions - clean air and microclimate make the tea unique. 
Its name comes from the town of Pu-Erh in China's Yunnan province. 
It is a tea that, like good wine, matures for a long time. 
The collected leaves, after initial fermentation, are aged for 3-4 years in a dark, humid place. 
The processes taking place during this time influence the unique value of the infusion and its earthy taste, which is perfectly soothed by the grapefruit note.

red Pu-Erh tea (70%), apple, hibiscus flower, orange peel, aromas, grapefruit juice (0.2%)

Brewing method: 
pour 1 teaspoon of tea (2 g) with a glass (200 ml) of hot water. Infuse for 4-5 minutes. 
Red tea can be brewed many times.

Good expiration dates guaranteed

Have a nice day:)