Hill's Science Diet Dry Dog Food, Adult 7+ for Senior Dogs, Small Bites, Chicken Meal, Barley & Brown Rice Recipe, 5 lb. Bag
Product Description As little or toy breed dogs get older, their nutrition needs change. Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Small Bites dry dog food is formulated for specific aging needs of small dogs age 7 and older. The delicious chicken flavor is packed into a tiny kibble for those little dogs that prefer variety, and the easily digestible ingredients help support the energy levels of mature dogs. This dog food made with natural ingredients contains a balanced set of minerals for immune system support as well as heart and kidney health. To help your dog keep healthy skin and a shiny coat, this premium dog food provides omega-6 fatty acids & Vitamin E. There’s more to love with the new look of Science Diet. Some of our products also have new names, new kibble shapes & new formulas. From the Manufacturer Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s Mission: To help enrich and lengthen the special relationships between people and their pets. More than 220 veterinarians, food scientists, technicians and Ph.D. nutritionists at Hill's develop all of Hill's pet foods to meet the needs of your pets. Hill’s only accepts ingredients from suppliers whose facilities meet stringent quality standards and who are approved by Hill's. Not only is each ingredient examined to ensure its safety, we also analyze each product's ingredient profile for essential nutrients to ensure your pet gets the stringent, precise formulation they need. Hill’s uses only high-quality ingredients including real chicken, lamb or salmon protein. Hill’s dry pet foods have quality protein as the first ingredient and provide clinically proven antioxidant benefits. Plus, they’re made with natural ingredients (plus vitamins, minerals & amino acids) and never contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or chicken by-product meal. Hill’s Food, Shelter & Love program donates food to shelters across the country, providing the proper nutrition that helps pets find their way to loving homes. With every purchase of Science Diet you help feed over 100,000 homeless pets every day, 365 days a year. From the Manufacturer Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s Mission: To help enrich and lengthen the special relationships between people and their pets. More than 220 veterinarians, food scientists, technicians and Ph.D. nutritionists at Hill's develop all of Hill's pet foods to meet the needs of your pets. Hill’s only accepts ingredients from suppliers whose facilities meet stringent quality standards and who are approved by Hill's. Not only is each ingredient examined to ensure its safety, we also analyze each product's ingredient profile for essential nutrients to ensure your pet gets the stringent, precise formulation they need. Hill’s uses only high-quality ingredients including real chicken, lamb or salmon protein. Hill’s dry pet foods have quality protein as the first ingredient and provide clinically proven antioxidant benefits. Plus, they’re made with natural ingredients (plus vitamins, minerals & amino acids) and never contain artificial colors, flavors, preservatives or chicken by-product meal. Hill’s Food, Shelter & Love program donates food to shelters across the country, providing the proper nutrition that helps pets find their way to loving homes. With every purchase of Science Diet you help feed over 100,000 homeless pets every day, 365 days a year.
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