About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Rachel Abbott
The Title is The Backroad

Condition New

Other Comments
Pages Count - 00350. Binding type - Perfect. This item is NOT Returnable.

Product Description -
A girl lies close to death in a dark, deserted lane. A driver drags her body to the side of the road. A shadowy figure hides in the trees, watching and waiting. For Ellie Saunders last night's hit and run on the back road could destroy everything she has. She was out that night, but if she reveals where she was and why, her family will be torn apart. She is living on a knife-edge, knowing that her every move is being observed...Ellie's new neighbour, former Detective Chief Inspector Tom Douglas has moved to the village for some well-deserved peace and quiet, but as he is drawn into the web of deceit his every instinct tells him that what happened that night was more than a tragic accident. As past and present collide, best-kept secrets are revealed and lives are devastated. Only one person knows the whole story. And that person will protect the truth - no matter what the cost. The Back Road is an electrifying thriller that will keep you guessing to the very end.

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Location ID 555z

iHaveit SKU ID 158085531