Burgers, Bagels and Hot Dogs (2014) von Valéry Drouet

Art Nr.: 3848006944
ISBN 13: 9783848006946
B-Nr: INF1100346812
ReleaseYear: 2013
Published by: Ullmann Publishing
Edition: Gebundene Ausgabe
Cover: Gebundene Ausgabe
Cover Format: 252x196x18
Pages: 138
Weight: 500 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Valéry Drouet

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Irresistibly tempting, burgers may sometimes be perceived as the all too common fast-food-takeaway meal, with its simple principle: a cut bun with meat and some more ingredients inside. Yet a great burger is more than the sum of its parts and it can easily transform into a gourmet treat. Burgers lend themselves to an endless variety of combination of ingredients, be they vegetables, cheese, dressing or meat. This book offers more than 50 recipes for burgers, bagels and hot dogs – from the classic Cheeseburger to the deliciously spicy Thai burger with shrimps, the bagel with oil-marinated sardines and some sweet treats.

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