English School 18th Century Old Master Portrait Dated 1767.

 An intriguing painting dating to the mid 18th century bearing a label verso which is indistinct, but appears to read, “Mrs William Jacobs, by Mr Joshua Reynolds 1767” 
The painting is unlikely to be by Joshua Reynolds the foremost portraitist of the period. 

The price of this painting reflects its condition. In common with most elderly paintings there are a number of condition issues. The black paint in the background has bituminised giving a slightly course appearance to the paint surface in places. The canvas has been lined at some stage and there are various small scratches, some minor blistering and areas of touching in, see images. Nevertheless, this is a very decorative painting. 

 70cm x 53 cm (84cm x 68cm framed) 27.5 x 21 inches (33 x 26.5 inches framed)