Corgi 1143 | American LaFrance Aerial Rescue Truck | Rare red wheels | Very Good Condition

Overall the model is in excellent condition. However there are the following noticeable defects:

The box is in generally good/acceptable condition. But there is the following defect:

Please see the product images where these defects have been photographed.


Excluding the defects mentioned above the model is in excellent condition. The chrome remains shiny and the model is almost entirely free from wear and chips or scratches.

The mechanism for the ladder works well and can be extended up and down. It is clean and smooth in operation. The trailer can be unhitched. And the ladder rotates.

There are 6 firemen figures in the set and all are in excellent condition.

The aerial at the front of the truck is in place and not bent and the wingmirrors are still intact.

It is very unfortunate about the steering wheel as otherwise this is practically mint condition.


This model has the less common red wheels (typically these are in chrome.) The condition of the wheels and tires is excellent.


I also have for sale the Corgi Simon Snorkel Fire Engine in similar condition: