ATP-Autoteile - Autoersatzteile & Zubehör

Accessory Kit, Disc Brake Pad



In order to check if the parts fit your car, it is essential to read the explanation concerning the PR-Numbers. Click here for an explanation!.

Vehicle type

Suitable for all models mentioned in the vehicle list!

Items included

1x Accessory Kit, Assembly Kit Rear Axle left + right


Please note the restrictions regarding year of manufacture mentioned in the vehicle list!

Technical information

Accessory Kit, Disc Brake Pad
Brake Type: Disc Brake
Suitable for: Lucas Brake System

Additional information

Makes the installation of the brake pads much easier as the installed clips are often dirty or corroded.
Reaches the original tension and therefore guarantees stability of the brake pads.
Before purchasing it is essential that you note any restrictions concerning chassis numbers in the vehicle table!
An explanation of the chassis number can be found in our FAQ section 1.6.

Please note the PR-number in the vehicle list!!!
The parts only fit if the PR-number given in the list is identical to one of the PR-numbers on your type plate (see picture)!
You will find these numbers in your service booklet or in the recess for the spare wheel.
An explanation of the PR-numbers can be found in our FAQ section 1.2.



*Our return policy terms can be found in our customer information

Have you checked the PR numbers?

In order to check whether this item fits your car, it is essential to identify the PR-numbers (Equipment code). An explanation of the PR-numbers can be found in our FAQ section 1.2..

Corresponding OE Number(s)

Mounting kit, Disc brake pads rear
VW: 1J0615231

Our service - Your advantage!

  • All items have been quality tested.
  • Almost all of our suppliers have been certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2000
  • Online order tracking available
  • Our complete range of parts can be found on our ebay shop

International Shipping Costs

Shipment in European countries only by prepayment!

Please note that for non-European Union countries: Due to custom duties a variation of the price may be possible. In addition custom clearance may cause a delay in delivery.

£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 7.95
£ 9.95
£ 18,95
Czech Republic
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 11.95
£ 6.95
£ 0.00
Great Britain
£ 0.00
£ 16.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 18,95
£ 6.95
£ 16.95
£ 6.95
£ 8.95
£ 8.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 6.95
£ 9.95
£ 14.95

We do not ship to Northern Cyprus.

3559003012 - 3558981012 - 3558869012
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