50th International Eucharistic Congress Dublin 2012 Commemorative double dvd produced by RTE. New and sealed. All regions. 402 minutes.

Sleeve notes:

The 50th International Eucharistic Congress surpassed the expectations of all of us and brought to those who were present at it, or associated with it, a renewed sense of pride in belonging to the Church.

Those of us who had the possibility of attending the Congress experienced something which went beyond our expectations. We experienced something of the life of the Church and of the renewal that is taking place in the Church through the working of God's Spirit.

These DVDs of the Opening Ceremony and the Statio Orbis tell the story of that experience in images which are, so often, more powerful than words. They convey something of the experience of real participation in the celebration of the Eucharist, a participation which extended beyond the Mass itself to the silent adoration and the evening Eucharistic Procession. They capture something of the hunger for renewal of faith which led thousands of people to stand in line to take part in workshops.

Last but not least, they reveal to us over and over again the diversity of the Church, the simple joy of being together which is reflected on the faces of volunteers and pilgrims alike and the spirit of communion which was so evident among them, in spite of the differences of language and culture.

We face many challenges as Catholics and Christians, but we have much to be proud of and much for which to give thanks.

Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin