Doctor Who The Fourteenth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who The Fourteenth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who The Fourteenth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

Doctor Who The Fourteenth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

Diamond Comic Distributors, Doctor Who The Fourteenth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

Product Details

Length 8.5 inches
Width 4.0 inches
Height 2.00 inches
Weight 0.32 pounds

​Step into the universe of time travel and adventure with the exclusive limited edition of The Fourteenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver. This meticulously crafted piece is not just a collector’s item but a portal to the endless imagination that Doctor Who has inspired over the decades. Precision-engineered to replicate the iconic tool of the universe's most beloved Time Lord, this sonic screwdriver features dynamic light effects that capture the essence of the show’s technology.