About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Warren Knight
The Title is Think Digital First : The Modern Day Entrepreneurs Workbook to Business Growth

Condition New

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Edition_description - 2nd edition: re. Pages Count - 210. Binding type - Perfect.
Content Language - English
Category - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / E-Commerce / Digital Marketing
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Sales & Selling / General
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Entrepreneurship

Product Description -
The Modern Entrepreneurs Workbook to Business GrowthThe second edition of Think Digital First is an updated, and revised version of the original "Marketing Book Of The Year Finalist" Think Digital First. Information I had previously shared around the social networks had changed. The tools I had shared were either no longer in business, or had been outperformed by competitors. I knew that because the online world had evolved, that I also wanted to completely re-write the book, and bring it as up-to-date as possible. Think Digital First Second Edition is a workbook designed for creative entrepreneurs, business owners and sales and marketing managers that shares with them the importance of having the right mindset to focus on technology, sales and marketing. I have analysed exactly what my audience wants from me, and I have taken what was a readable book, and turned it into a workbook. The way you learn has evolved, and I knew that I needed to do something different and unique. The second edition of Think Digital First is a unique combination of how-to's and real-time worksheet implementation.

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