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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Eddie Muller
The Title is Eddie Muller's Noir Bar : Cocktails Inspired by the World of Film Noir

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Product Description -
Eddie Muller-host of TCM's Noir Alley, one of the world's leading authorities on film noir, and cocktail connoisseur-takes film buffs and drinks enthusiasts alike on a spirited tour through the "dark city" of film noir in this stylish book packed with equal parts great cocktail recipes and noir lore. Eddie Muller's Noir Bar pairs carefully curated classic cocktails and modern noir-inspired libations with behind-the-scenes anecdotes and insights on 50 film noir favorites. Some of the cocktails are drawn directly from the films: If you've seen In a Lonely Place and wondered what's in a "Horse's Neck"-now you'll know. If you're watching Pickup on South Street you'll find out what its director, Sam Fuller, actually drank off-screen. Didn't know that Nightmare Alley's Joan Blondell inspired a cocktail It may become a new favorite. Meanwhile, Rita Hayworth is toasted with a "Sailor Beware," an original concoction which, like the film that inspired it The Lady From Shanghai, is unique, complex, and packs a wallop. Featuring dozens of movie stills, poster art, behind-the-scenes imagery, and stunning cocktail photography, Noir Bar is both a stylish and exciting excursion through classic cinema's most popular genre.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153832561

Unique Reference Number 2286073913