About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is India Holton
The Title is The Secret Service of Tea and Treason : The spellbinding fantasy romance for fans of Bridgerton

Condition New

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Pages Count - 00368. Binding type - Perfect. This item is NOT Returnable.

Product Description -
THE RIOTOUSLY FUNNY AND JOYOUSLY ROMANTIC NEW NOVEL IN THE DANGEROUS DAMSELS SERIES THAT TIKTOK CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF!Two rival spies. One fake marriage. What could possibly go wrong . . . __________When rumours of an assassination plot against the Queen begin to circulate, Alice is immediately assigned to the case. However, she won't be working alone. Enter Daniel Bixby. Unflappable master spy and Alice's greatest rival. Together they must assume the identity of husband and wife in order to gain access to the traitor party. Alice is determined to remain professional. This is work after all. But when an attraction starts to grow there may be more at stake than just the throne . . . __________'A funny, captivating and magical story! I loved the chemistry between the characters' boekhopperReaders are OBSESSED with the Dangerous Damsels . . . 'Incredible! Sensational! Fantastic! So charming your inner Lizzie Bennet will swoon' 5***** Reader Review'OBSESSED. If you love playful dialogue and language, fun characters, and interesting worlds, I recommend' 5**** Reader Review!'Witty and entertaining. A literary delight! Think Jane Austen meets Jack Sparrow' 5***** Reader Review'Wondrous, whimsical, wiccan follow-up to its flying house pirate predecessor, building upon this magical, Victorian-soaked world deftly and capably' 5***** Reader Review'SPECTACULAR. Just the sort of absolute madness which one needs in a book!' 5***** Reader Review'Victorian lady assassins fighting the patriarchy, flying houses, AND . . . an ONLY ONE BED trope! Fun fun fun' 5***** Reader Review'Witty, entertaining, laugh-out-loud funny and adventurous . . . Everything I need in a historical romance' 5***** Reader Review'The best romantic humorous adventure fantasy of manners you will ever read!' 5***** Reader ReviewPRAISE FOR THE DANGEROUS DAMSELS'As much fun as the English language will permit' New York Times Book Review'Melds the Victorian wit of Sherlock Holmes with the brash adventuring of Indiana Jones . . . A sprightly feminist tale that offers everything from an atmospheric Gothic abbey to secret societies' Entertainment Weekly'A joyride of a debut . . . As if The Parasol Protectorate series met The Princess Bride and a corseted Lara Croft: Tomb Raider' Kirkus Reviews 'With secret identities, secret doors, and secret histories to spare, this high-octane layer-cake of escapism hits the spot' Publishers Weekly

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Location ID 555z

iHaveit SKU ID 160848551