Scabiosa Columbaria 'Butterfly Blue'

Phonetic Spelling: skab-ee-OH-suh kol-um-BAR-ee-uh

Common Name(s): Butterfly Blue Pincushion, Pincushion Flower

Zone 3-7



Butterfly Blue Pincushion Flower is one of the most popular pincushion flower cultivars due to its stunning, delicate foliage, and bright lavender-blue flowers. This herbaceous perennial can be identified by its compact and clump forming wiry stems that bear a single lavender blue flower on its end. It’s relatively small in size for the species. It will often bloom continuously from April until the first frost in the fall. Perfect for the front of a border or in a container on a patio or deck. It will not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil.



           Genus: Scabiosa

Species: Columbaria

Family: Caprifoliaceae

Plant Type: Herbaceous Perennial

Mature Size: 12–18” tall, 12–18” wide

Sun Exposure: Full sun, 6 or more hours

Soil pH: 6.5-8

Space Between Plants: 18 inches

Flower Color: Blue, Purple/Lavender

Flower Blooming Time: Spring, Summer, Fall

Flower Size: 1-3 inches

Flower Description: 2" showy lavender-blue flowers that have a long blooming period

Leaf Color: Gray/Silver, Green

Landscape Theme: Cottage Garden, Rock Garden


Caring for Scabiosa Plants

 It is easy to look after members of the Scabiosa genus, Pincushion flower

They should be staked in windy areas, as they have delicate wiry stems. Keep the soil moist in summer.

Deadhead flowers once they have finished blooming. Cut the Scabiosa plants back at the end of the growing season in autumn.

It is necessary to divide the plants every two or three years to maintain vigorous growth.

If you require more plants then divide perennial Scabiosa at the start of spring, or take cuttings in the summertime.


Sowing Scabiosa Seeds


Perennials seeds may be sown at the start of spring or autumn.

The germination of Scabiosa seeds will usually take about two weeks, and can be done indoors at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees (68 to 77°F). They can be individually potted and transferred to the garden after the last frost. Seedlings should be spaced in the garden at least 12-18 inches apart.

Seeds are fresh, untreated, open-pollinated for seed saving, and organic.


You will receive a package of 20 seeds. 




Due to the nature of our products, seed germination rates may vary depending on storage and growth conditions. Some varieties have a naturally low germination rate, at around 50%. When a variety has a lower germination rate, it is usually indicated on the packet and we endeavor to provide more seeds to compensate. The vast majority of our seeds have germination rates of over 85%. We work hard to provide you with the best service possible.