About this Item

The item is a book Paperback
The Title is Down to Earth : Satellite Technologies, Industries and Cultures

Condition New

Other Comments
Pages Count - 326. Binding type - Perfect.
Content Language - English
Category - SOCIAL SCIENCE / General

Product Description -
Down to Earth presents the first comprehensive overview of the geopolitical manoeuvres, financial investments, technological innovations, and ideological struggles that take place behind the scenes of the satellite industry. satellite projects that have not received extensive coverage-micro satellites in China, Worldspace in south Africa, siriusXM, the failures of USA 193 and Cosmos 954, and Iridium- are explored. This collection takes readers on a voyage through a truly global industry, from the sites where satellites are launched to the corporate clean rooms where they are designed, and along the orbits and paths that satellites traverse. Combining a practical introduction to the mechanics of the satellite industry, a history of how its practices and technologies have evolved, and a sophisticated theoretical analysis of satellite cultures, Down to Earth opens up a new space for global media studies.

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