HOME SWEET HOME original painting by New Orleans Folk Artist Dr. Bob.

Dig: LOUIE'S JUKE JOINT is the ONLY authorized dealer of Dr. Bob artwork on Ebay! Dr. Bob sez: YEAH YA RITE!

The weird and wonderful New Orleans folk art of Dr. Bob is back on Ebay!

Dr. Bob was one of the brave 9th Ward souls who stayed behind for Hurricane Katrina. He battled looters and infection, but came out on top and is back in action.

Louie's Juke Joint is proud to be the exclusive Ebay source for works by Doctor Bob. We hope to be adding many more pieces in the coming weeks, so check back often.

Dr. Bob is perhaps New Orleans' most famous and renowned folk artist, his trademark BE NICE OR LEAVE signs having made a permanent place in the subculture of New Orleans. These paintings are not only great New Orleans memorabilia, but would make a great showpiece with a positive message in your bar, juke joint, or music venue.

Description of this piece: Offered here is a one-of-a-kind original HOME SWEET HOME mixed media painting by Dr. Bob. The handpainted frame is hand painted and is adorned with bottle caps including some from local breweries. Dr. Bob has signed in the lower right . There is a heavy wire attached to the back for hanging.

The dimensions (from the outer border of the frame) are approximately 6.5 x 8.5". The condition is excellent.

A Brief Bio of Dr. Bob: Dr. Bob, half Crow Indian and half French/German, is a self taught artist born in Kansas who relocated to New Orleans via Lake Pontchartrain. His utilization of found objects in his work, along with his own unique painting style, have combined into one of the most recognizable and respected representations of New Orleans and Louisiana folk art in the world. He popularized the phrase "Be Nice or Leave" in his paintings, which has become an internationally recognized part of his identity. Among the celebrities who have added Dr. Bob's work to their private collections are Emmy Lou Harris, GiO (The Burlesque Queen of New Orleans!), Oprah Winfrey, Mariah Carey (Mariah actually posed with her Dr. Bob piece for People Magazine!), Billy Connolly, Isaac Tigrett, and The Reverend Howard Finster. Dr. Bob's work can also be found in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institute, The Memphis Blues Foundation, the Center for Southern Folklore in Memphis, as well as the New Orleans House of Blues. Bob has also been featured on the Kansas City Public TV program, Rare Visions and Roadside Revelations (Vol. 15) - Bumbling through the Bayou.

Thanks for looking!