This boxed set of playing cards is a souvenir of Earl Carroll's Theatre-Restaurant Hollywood.  The unusual thing about this set is that is comes with PROVENANCE.  The original recipient of the cards, Capt. Ben F. Ferguson, inscribed the base of the box with the following:   "I was featured for my DSC's [Distinguished Service Crosses] and Silver Stars on 'Furlough for Fun' Nation Wide Broadcast in 1945 I won a dance contest as a guest of Earl Carroll after the Broadcast & rec'd these cards.  Capt Ben F. Ferguson, Ret"  

These cards were in the possession of Capt. Ferguson's family members.  The family donated the cards to a local museum which held them for decades.  Each deck of cards consists of 4 complete suits plus one Joker.  It appears the cards were never used.

Beryl Wallace, Earl Carroll's star entertainer and love interest, autographed the box underneath the cards.  The autograph is not authenticated; however, it is addressed "To Ben - 'Best of Luck".  Earl Carroll and Beryl Wallace died together in a plane crash on June 17, 1948.

Proceeds from this sale will be donated to a nonprofit organization.