I will perform the casting starting at 11 PM and finishing exactly at Midnight. I will do it every day for 7 days for maximum efficacy
Warning this is really powerful dark magic. So do not have me cast this if you are not sure you want me to.
My Werewolf Transformation Spell offers you the extraordinary opportunity to tap into the raw, untamed power of the legendary werewolf. This spell is designed for those who seek not only a transformation of the body but also a path to immortality.

What Awaits You:

Mystical Transformation: Our Werewolf Transformation Spell is your gateway to a thrilling metamorphosis. Experience the exhilarating sensation of turning into a powerful, fearsome werewolf under the light of the full moon.

Immortality Beckons: Alongside your physical transformation, our spell grants you the promise of immortality. Join the ranks of beings who have walked the earth for centuries, untouched by the hands of time.

Inner Strength: Embrace the primal instincts that come with your newfound form. Gain incredible strength, heightened senses, and the indomitable spirit of the wolf within.

Eternal Bond: Connect with a secret network of others who have undergone the same transformation, forming a close-knit community bound by their shared nature.

Full Moon Rituals: Embrace the lunar cycles as your source of power. During each full moon, you will revel in the ecstasy of your transformation, celebrating your connection to the ancient werewolf tradition.

How It Works:

Order Your Werewolf Transformation Spell: Select this spell and provide any specific intentions or desires you have for your transformation and immortality.

Personal Consultation: Our experienced practitioners will engage with you in a personalized consultation to understand your goals and aspirations.

Transformation Ritual: Your werewolf transformation will be conducted during a carefully arranged ritual, harnessing the power of ancient rites and mystic forces.

Guidance and Community: Once initiated, you'll receive guidance from experienced werewolves and become part of a closely-knit community of fellow transformed individuals.

Awaken the Beast Within:

Are you ready to unlock the untold potential that lies within you, shrouded in the mystique of the werewolf legend? Our Werewolf Transformation Spell offers you a once-in-a-lifetime chance to become immortal and embrace the wild, untamed forces of nature.

Begin your incredible journey today and experience the thrill of a lifetime. Order your Werewolf Transformation Spell now and become part of the enduring legacy of the werewolf!

No Refunds
There is no physical product.
If you are worried about the effect I will allow for up to one re-cast
Could take up to 2 years to take effect

Disclaimer: Per Ebay’s agreement I must state that this is being sold as a curio item for entertainment purposes only. While I fully believe in its powers, I can make no guarantees that they will bring any changes or outcomes.