For Sale

Service Manual for Hammond S-100 Series Chord Organ

  • Organ Schematics
  • Wiring Diagrams for
    1. Entire Chord Organ
    2. Inside the Generator 
    3. Control Assembly 
    4. Inside Oscillator Assembly 
    5. Chord Button Switch
  • Labelled Diagrams: Over 15  
  • Description of Electrical Circuits:  23 in all covering: Keyboard, Vibrato, Percussion, Bass Pedals, Reverb, Power Supply, ...
  • Installing Earphones: Schematics shows how a headset can be connected to the organ 
  • Using a Microphone, Radio, Record Player (or a tape/CD player) to play through and with the organ. 
    1. Tubes and Other Electrical Components 
    2. Busbar Shifters 
    3. Contacts on Control Tablets 
    4. Tuning Instructions: General, and Specific Organ/Chord Notes
    1. Entire instrument, fails to play 
    2. Vibrato missing or problems with control 
    3. Radio frequency oscillation 
    4. Notes/chords or one key fails to play, or are weak 
    5. 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 adjacent keys will not play 
    6. One key plays low "F" note 
    7. Strings or flutes will not play 
    8. Dirty Contacts 
    9. Key thumps or clicks 
    10. "Bass" notes do not play: Various scenarios covered, e.g. 'One pedal fails to play with some chords',....  
    11. Pedal pitch is off 
    12. Pedal decay not working  
    13. One note is missing from a chord 
    14. 36 trouble shooting topics
  • Electrical Parts List 
  • Removing Parts: Pilot lamp, Tablets, Name strip, Chord bar/switch cover/buttons, Generator Ass'y, Coil, On/off Switch, Keyboard, a Key, Oscillator Ass'y, Pedal/Pedal Switch, Swell Ass'y, and more.
    • Complete, clear, reprint in very good condition. 23 double sided 8 1/2" x 11" regular sized pages and three 11" x 17" single sided schematic diagram pages, plus a larger 11" x 26" single sided circuit diagram schematic page. 

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      Protected in a clear waterproof covering and placed in a well sealed package with a cardboard insert.

      Thank you from Canada.