Dead Man's Badge Robert E. Dunn

NEUWARE - Portofrei innerhalb Deutschlands!


Art Nr.: 0997832363
ISBN 13: 9780997832365
Release Year: 2017
Published by: Cutting Edge Publishing
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 216x140x18 mm
Pages: 300
Weight: 426 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Robert E. Dunn


Information of Author
Robert E. Dunn was born an Army brat and grew up in the Missouri Ozarks. He wrote his first book at age eleven turning a series of Jack Kirby comic books into a hand written novel. Over many years in the, mostly, honest work of video and film production he produced everything from documentaries, to training films and his favorite, travelogues. He returned to writing mystery, horror, and fantasy fiction for publication after the turn of the century. It seemed like a good time for change even if the changes were not always his choice.

Dead Man's Badge Robert E. Dunn

NEUWARE - Portofrei innerhalb Deutschlands!


Art Nr.: 0997832363
ISBN 13: 9780997832365
Release Year: 2017
Published by: Cutting Edge Publishing
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 216x140x18 mm
Pages: 300
Weight: 426 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Robert E. Dunn


Information of Author
Robert E. Dunn was born an Army brat and grew up in the Missouri Ozarks. He wrote his first book at age eleven turning a series of Jack Kirby comic books into a hand written novel. Over many years in the, mostly, honest work of video and film production he produced everything from documentaries, to training films and his favorite, travelogues. He returned to writing mystery, horror, and fantasy fiction for publication after the turn of the century. It seemed like a good time for change even if the changes were not always his choice.