WALTER EDMONDS has made a place for himself in American literature. He has done for New York State and the Erie Canal something of what Mark Twain did for the Mississippi Valley. In his novels, Rome Haul and Erie Water, and now in these stories, he has re-created the life of a great waterway and of the people who lived upon it and along its banks.

In these stories you see the immigrants going west and the trappers and farmers returning with their hauls, the fine ladies and gentlemen who rode on the fast boats, the bullies who carried the freight. And then when, with the coming of the railroads, the Erie dropped into disuse, you see the canal folk retiring to the farms and building up communities which harked back to a more glamorous past.

These tales, in their infinite variety, their vivid color, their authenticity, and their rich, lusty humor, may well become a permanent part of an American's literary heritage.

This special edition of MOSTLY CANALLERS by Walter D. Edmonds has been made available to the Armed Forces of the United States through an arrangement with the original publisher, Little, Brown and Company, Inc., Boston, by whom it is published in association with the Atlantic Monthly Press.

Editions for the Armed Services, Inc., a non-profit organization established by the Council on Books in Wartime

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