Janet and Allan Ahlberg created many acclaimed picture books from 1975 to shortly before Janet's death in 1994. Allan taught for some years before becoming a full-time writer and Janet studied graphic design and became an illustrator. EACH PEACH PEAR PLUM and THE JOLLY CHRISTMAS POSTMAN both won Greenaway Medals and PEEPO! won the Best Books For Babies Award in 1985. Allan Ahlberg lives in Leicestershire.

Janet and Allan Ahlberg created many acclaimed picture books from 1975 to shortly before Janet's death in 1994. Allan taught for some years before becoming a full-time writer and Janet studied graphic design and became an illustrator. EACH PEACH PEAR PLUM and THE JOLLY CHRISTMAS POSTMAN both won Greenaway Medals and PEEPO! won the Best Books For Babies Award in 1985. Allan Ahlberg lives in Leicestershire.