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The detailed story of the five years of convulsion in Scottish Football between 1927 and 1931 is told in the 160 page book THE INTERMEDIATE SPLIT, written by John Litster.   It took two decades for the dispute to come to a head, and its convoluted background opens the narrative followed by a blow-by-blow account of the various attempts to resolve the impass over the following five years.

            Illustrated throughout with photographs of the players and officials caught up in the Split, the book charts the shifting positions of all parties.  What started as a a simple quest for a period of notice in signing the best Junior players, and compensation for their clubs, soon included demands on the governance of Scottish football, the length of the Junior football season, players wage thresholds and several other issues added into the negotiations.  It took a Court of Session case to bring the matter to a head and there is full coverage of all aspects of the dispute in a book which concludes with details of final League tables and Cup finals and semi finals.