Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3

The Arduino Mega 2560 is a development board based on the ATmega2560 microcontroller. The Mega is designed to support more complex projects, in comparison to the UNO board which is more suitable for beginners. It’s perfect for use in 3D printing and robotics based projects.
The Arduino Mega 2560 is an update of the previous Mega board.

How is it powered?

The board can be used both standalone or connected to a PC. Simply connect it to an AC-to-DC adapter or battery, or connect it to your PC using a USB cable.

What else is on-board?

ATmega2560 Microcontroller
54 x digital I/O pins (14 can be used as PWM outputs)
16 x Analogue inputs
4 x UART
16MHz quartz crystal
1 x USB
1 x power jack
1 x ICSP header
1 x reset button

Operating Voltage: 5 V
FLASH memory: 256 KB
Dimensions: 101.52 x 53.5 mm

What is Arduino?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform consisting of hardware and software. Every aspect is designed to be straightforward so you can learn to code or design a project, quickly and easily. It’s designed for students, programmers, designers, hobbyists and tinkerers.
The Arduino open-source software (IDE) is there to help too. It makes is much easier to write code and transfer it to your board.


USB Cable and battery are not included.

Arduino Mega Development Board

The Mega Development Board from Arduino is an open-source development platform that uses an AVR ATmega 2560 microcontroller at its core. To get started, connect your Mega to a computer using a USB cable.

Features & Benefits of the Arduino Mega

• 54 digital I/O pins (14 can be used as PWM outputs)

• 16 analog inputs

• 4 UARTs

• 16 MHz crystal oscillator

• 5 V power supply

• 256 KB flash memory



• USB connection

• Power jack

• ICSP header

• Reset button

• Automatic power source selection

• Suitable for use with Duemilanove or Diecimila shields

• Compact dimensions: 102 x 53 mm