HP Designjet Z6200 Plotter Parts

MPN # CQ109-67032
 Ink Cartridge Slide Out Tray For All Inks Tested

Tested - Get a Good One !


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About This Item

Reconditioned part from fully tested machine in as-new condition, inspected thoroughly. Only what is shown is included. Guaranteed functional and guaranteed for 30 days

Know What You are Buying


Manufacturer - HP

Part # CQ109-67032

SKU: 115362

TESTED Parts – these parts were all tested and confirmed functional in all modes in our professional shop before parts harvest. It went through all steps and came to a ready condition after which we advanced paper and verified all functions. You can be confident that the parts we offer are fully functional parts. Machine was an HP Z6200

Description – Oem Ink Cartridge Slide Tray – Replacements for broken handles or slides. Each are labeled with a color, but all are identical – replace with your correct label for the color. Handle, Spring, Hinge and slide all in as-new condition.

Comps –  Designjet Z6200 all family machines including 60”

Other Numbers

 – CQ10967032



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