“Power and Empire” is a political thriller novel set in the Tom Clancy universe, authored by Marc Cameron. It’s part of the Jack Ryan series and was released on November 28, 2017. The plot revolves around President Jack Ryan and The Campus as they work to prevent a secret cabal from escalating tensions between the United States and China, which could lead to a violent coup within the Chinese government.

The story begins with the moderate President of China, Zhao Chengzhi, facing opposition from hardliners within his government. Foreign Minister Li Zhengsheng, who perceives Zhao as weak, forms a secret group aiming to provoke the U.S. into taking drastic action against Zhao, thereby paving the way for Li’s rise to power. The narrative unfolds with a series of orchestrated attacks and political maneuvers that threaten to destabilize the global order.

Marc Cameron’s debut in the Jack Ryan series, “Power and Empire,” was well-received and debuted at number six on the New York Times bestseller list. The novel is praised for its intricate plot and the continuation of the beloved Jack Ryan storyline.