Lesser known effort from iconic Japanese director and B-movie master Seijun Suzuki. Madame Matsudaira, matriarch of an old and illustrious Awaji Island family, after her son and heir's death, sets out to track down her only grandchild - the product of an affair she'd put a halt to years before. By chance the grandson, Sadao, is a bit of a hot head and makes the national papers as she is searching, bringing him to his granny's attention. Reluctantly, he moves to rural Awaji from his Tokyo home - with the hidden agenda of tracking down his birth mother - against his grandmother's wishes. An old enemy of Sadao arrives in Awaji to start a construction project and the ensuing conflict has terrible consequences.

UK DVD on Yume Pictures - part of their 'Seijun Suzuki Collection'

Suzuki Trailer reel
Tony Rayns liner notes

Region 2