Antirrhinum Flower Seeds 100+ Perennial Rust Resistant Mixed

[Sow] Start germinated seeds or seeds in well-draining seed starting mix, about 1/8" deep, 2" apart, keep soil moist, 60-70°F(15-21) indoor 6-8 weeks before last frost date

[Transplant] The plant with set of true leaves and large enough to handle, transplant into larger individual pot, till ready to be planted outdoor after last frost

[Care] Water deeply to ensure soil stays moist but not waterlogged, balanced fertilizer 4-6 weeks during growing season, avoid over-fertilizing

[Plant] About 12”(30cm) apart,  18"(45cm) Height

Full Sun 

Package Includes

 100+ seeds

^_^Enjoy Your Garden Time^_^

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