3 PENCE 3d 








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Stanley Gibbons: 

Gilbert and Ellice Islands

The Gilbert andEllice Islands (GEIC as a colony) in the Pacific Ocean were part of the British Empire from 1892 to 1976. They were a protectorate from 1892 to 12 January 1916, and thena colony until 1 January 1976. The history of thecolony was mainly characterized by phosphatemining on Ocean Island. InOctober 1975, these islands were divided by force of law into two separatecolonies, and they became independent nations shortly thereafter: the ElliceIslands became Tuvalu in1978, and the Gilbert Islands became part of Kiribati in1979.


The Gilbert Islands[1] (sometimes also known as Kingsmill Islands[2]) are a chain of sixteen atolls andcoral islands in the western Pacific Ocean. They are part of Remote Oceania, and traditionally part of the Micronesia subregion of Oceania.The Gilbert Islands are the main part of what is now the Republic of Kiribati ("Kiribati" is the Gilbertese rendition of "Gilberts"[1]) The atolls of the Gilbert Islands are arranged in anapproximate north-to-south line. Geographically, the equator isthe dividing line between the northern Gilbert Islands and the southern GilbertIslands. South of the Gilbert Islands lie the Ellice Islands (now called Tuvalu),which were previously politically connected with them.[3] The Ellice Islands comprise three reef islandsand six true atolls,spread out between the latitude of  to 10° south and longitude of 176° to 180°,west of the International DateLine.[4] The Ellice Islands are midway between Hawaii andAustralia, and they, too, lie in the Polynesia subregion of Oceania.

Discovery and naming

In 1568, when Spanish navigator Álvaro de Mendaña de Neira wascommissioned to explore the South Pacific, he sailed relatively close to theGilbert Islands. He sailed between the Line Islands and the PhoenixIslands, but without sighting land. However, he ultimately discoveredwhat he called "Isla de Jesús", (probably Nui, amongstthe Elliceisland group).[5]

In 1606, Pedro Fernandes de Queirós sightedtwo of the islands in the Gilbert island group: Butaritari and Makin, whichhe named the Buen Viaje Islands (‘good trip’ islands in Spanish).[6][7]

In 1788, Thomas Gilbert, aBritish captain, encountered the archipelago while commanding one of two shipsof the FirstFleet that were looking for an outer passage route from PortJackson to Canton. In 1820,a Russian admiral, Johann von Krusenstern, namedthe group “îles Gilbert” (French for Gilbert Islands) in honor of CaptainGilbert’s earlier discovery. Around that time, the French captain Louis Duperrey became the first to map thewhole Gilbert Islands archipelago. He commanded La Coquille,circumnavigating the globe between 1822 and 1825.[8]

The first recorded sighting by Europeans of an Ellice Island wason 16 January 1568, during the voyage of Álvaro de Mendaña fromSpain, who sailed past Nui andcharted it as Isla de Jesús (Spanish for "Island ofJesus") because the previous day was the feast of the Holy Name. Mendañamade contact with the islanders but was unable to land.[9][10] DuringMendaña's second voyage across the Pacific, he passed Niulakita on 29 August 1595, which henamed La Solitaria.[6][11] Captain JohnByron passed through the Ellice islands in 1764, during hiscircumnavigation of the globe as captain of the Dolphin (1751).[12] Hecharted the atolls as Lagoon IslandsNanumea wasexplored by Spanish naval officer Francisco Mourelle de la Rúa whosailed past it on 5 May 1781 with frigate La Princesa, whenattempting a southern crossing of the Pacific from the Philippines to New Spain. Hecharted Nanumea as San Augustin.[13][14] In1809, Captain Patterson in the brig Elizabeth sighted Nanumeawhile passing through the northern Tuvalu waters on a trading voyage from PortJackson, Sydney, Australia to China.[13] CaptainArent de Peyster sighted the rest of the Ellice island group in 1819, whilesailing the ship Rebecca. He named Funafuti atoll“Ellice's Island,” after Edward Ellice, a British politician andmerchant [15][16] whoowned the ship’s cargo. After the work of English hydrographer Alexander George Findlay waspublished, the name Ellice was applied to all nine islands in the Ellice Islandgroup, which is now called Tuvalu.[17]

Until 1977, the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (GEIC) wasdesignated ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 (country code"GE").

In the 1930s, British officials tried to choose a lesscumbersome name for the GEIC. Critics jocularly called the arbitrary collectionof atolls scattered across the central Pacific the “Gilbert and Sullivans” (a reference to thefamous light opera composers). One official suggested renaming the islands“Quateria” (after the word “quarters”), because the main inhabited archipelagoextends over four notable quarters of the globe: It lies partly north andpartly south of the equator, and also partly east and partly west of theinternational dateline. There were indigenous names, such as Tungaru and Tuvalu,but they were used to refer to only some of the islands in the group; they didnot include the mostly uninhabited Phoenix and Line islandgroups, or Banaba (alsocalled Ocean Island), whose phosphate rocks provided half of the GEIC’stax revenue. Further complicating the naming problem, the Tokelau atollswere made part of the colony for a decade (1916–1926), and at one point agovernor of Fiji, Sir J.B. Thurston, suggested adding Rotuma tothe colony to enable a more organized administration of islands that werescattered over such a vast expanse of water. In 1969, after political issuesarose that had led to the creation, four years earlier, of the Gilbertese National Party, thehybrid term “Tungavalu” was suggested (combining the indigenous names for theislands of Tungaru and Tuvalu); the idea was rejected because of politicaltensions between those islands.[18]

Administration of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands

Protectorate administered as part of the British Western PacificTerritories

In 1857, the British established a protectorate over this generalarea (but not specifically over these islands), under the Pacific IslandersProtection Act[19] In1877, they established one over the British Western PacificTerritories. In 1886, an Anglo-Germanagreement partitioned the “unclaimed” central Pacific, leaving Nauru inthe German sphere of influence, whileplacing OceanIsland and the future GEIC in the British sphere of influence.

GermanNew Guinea was established in 1884, and British protectorates wereestablished on the MarshallIslands and Nauru, in 1885and 1888, respectively. Then, between 27 May and 17 June 1892, partly inresponse to the presence of the United States in Butaritari,[20] Captain E.H.M.Davis R.N.,of HMS Royalist madethe sixteen islands of the Gilbert Islands a British protectorate.[21] Between9 and 16 October of the same year, Captain Gibson R.N., of HMS Curacoa declared the ElliceIslands to be a British protectorate.[22] TheBritish government found it administratively convenient to govern the Elliceand Gilberts islands together. It gave the British governor in Fiji theauthority to establish an administration in the Gilberts. He eventually visitedthe islands and appointed a single resident commissioner and local taxcollectors[23] Atfirst, the British Western PacificTerritories (BWPT) were administered by a high commissioner whoresided in Fiji (andlater in the British Solomon Islands). Then, Sir John Bates Thurston appointed Charles Richard Swayne as the first resident commissioner ofthe Ellice Islands in 1892 and as the first resident commissioner of theGilbert Islands in 1893. He was succeeded in 1895 by William Telfer Campbell, who established himselfon Tarawa,[24] andremained in office until 1908. Campbell was criticised for his legislative,judicial and administrative management. It was alleged that he extracted forcedlabour from the islanders. An inquiry into this allegation was held by ArthurWilliam Mahaffy, a former district officer in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands(1896–1898),[25] andhe issued his findings in 1909.[26] In1913, an anonymous correspondent to The New Age journal described themaladministration of Telfer Campbell, linked it to criticisms of the Pacific Phosphate Company, whichwas operating on OceanIsland, and questioned Mahaffy’s impartiality.[27]

In 1908, the government’s headquarters was moved to Ocean Island(today known as Banaba). OceanIsland had been hastily added to the protectorate in 1900 to take advantage ofthe improved shipping connections resulting from the Pacific Phosphate Company'sincreased activities. On 12 January 1916, the islands’ status was changed[28] tothat of a Crown Colony.[22] TheBritish colonial authorities emphasised that their role was to procure labourfor phosphate mining on Ocean Island, and to maintain law and order among theworkers.


Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony (GEIC)

The islands became a Crown colony on 12 January 1916 by theGilbert and Ellice Islands Order in Council, 1915.[29][30][Note 1]

During the year 1916, the Union Islands (Tokelau) werealso annexed to the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony. On 28 November 1919,Great Britain reasserted its claim to Christmas Island and annexed it to thecolony.

In July 1920, the Pacific Phosphate Company wasliquidated and its assets sold to the British Phosphate Commission (BPC),a consortium established by the governments of Great Britain, Australiaand NewZealand. The mining ofthe phosphate on Ocean Island represented the mainrevenue of the colony until it ended in 1979.

In 1925, Great Britain asked New Zealand to acceptresponsibility for the administration of the Union Islands (Tokelau) andinvited the United States to annex Swains Island. On 4 March 1925, the UnitedStates officially annexed Swains Island as part of the territory of AmericanSamoa. On 11 February 1926, an Order in Council transferredresponsibility for administration of the Union Islands (Tokelau) to New Zealandwhich in turn placed administration of the islands under its Western Samoan mandate.


FanningIsland and WashingtonIsland also became included in the colony together with the UnionIslands (now known as Tokelau); ChristmasIsland was included in 1919 but was unofficially contested by theUSA under its GuanoIslands Act of 1856.[31] The UnionIslands were transferred to New Zealand in 1926, but formally onlyin 1948.[32]

The Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony continued to beadministered by a Resident Commissioner. In 1930 the ResidentCommissioner, ArthurGrimble, issued revised laws, Regulations for the good Orderand Cleanliness of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, which replaced lawscreated during the BWTP.[22]

On 31 December 1936, the population of the Crown Colony totalled34,443 inhabitants, including 32,390 Gilbert and Ellice Islanders, 262Europeans and 923 Chinese ("Mongoloids"). HenryEvans Maude, the land commissioner of the colony, considered the thencolony overcrowded. The Phoenix Islands were added to the colony in1937 with the view of a Phoenix Islands SettlementScheme.[33] On6 August 1936, a party from HMS Leith landed on CantonIsland in the Phoenix Group and planted a sign asserting Britishsovereignty in the name of King Edward VIII. On 18 March 1937, Great Britainannexed the uninhabited Phoenix Islands (except Howland and Baker Islands) to theGilbert and Ellice Islands colony.


Banaba (OceanIsland) remained the headquarters of the colony until the British evacuation in1942 during the Pacific War when Ocean Island and the Gilbert Islandswere occupiedby the Japanese. The UnitedStates forces landed in Funafuti on2 October 1942 and on Nanumea and Nukufetau in August 1943 and constructed anairfield on each island and other bases. The atolls of Tuvalu acted as astaging post during the preparation for the Battle of Tarawa and the Battle of Makin that commenced on 20 November 1943.Colonel VivianFox-Strangways, was theResident Commissioner of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony in 1941, who waslocated on Funafuti.[34]

After World War II, the colony headquarters was re-establishedon Tarawa, firston Betio islet and subsequently on Bairikiislet.[33][35][36][37] InNovember 1945, Fox-Strangways was replaced as Resident Commissioner by HenryEvans Maude (1946 to 1949). He was succeed by John Peel, who retired in 1951.

By the Tokelau Act of 1948sovereignty over Tokelau wastransferred to New Zealand. The five islands of the Central and Southern LineIslands were added to the colony in 1972.[33]

The Gilbertese initiated a cultural movement called Tungaru ledby ReubenUatioa and created the Gilbertese National Party in1965, protesting that British rulers showed preference to Ellicean civilservants. The Elliceans (further Tuvaluans) were concerned about their minoritystatus in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. In 1974, ethnic differenceswithin the colony caused the Polynesians of the Ellice Islands tovote for separation from the Gilbert Islands (later Kiribati). On 1October 1975, the Ellice Islands became the separate British colony of Tuvalu, but theseparation was completed on 1 January 1976.

Transition to self-determination

In 1946, Tarawa, in theGilbert Islands, was made the administrative capital, replacing Ocean Island.The headquarters of the Colony were transferred from Betio to Bairiki. Thisdevelopment included establishing the KingGeorge V Secondary School for boys and the ElaineBernacchi Secondary School for girls.[38]

A Colony Conference was organised at Marakei in 1956, which was attended by officialsand representatives (magistrates) from each island in the Gilbert and ElliceIslands Colony, conferences were held every two years until 1962. Thedevelopment of administration continued with the creation in 1963 of anAdvisory Council of five officials and 12 representatives who were appointed bythe Resident Commissioner.[39][38] In1964 an Executive Council was established with eight officials and eightrepresentatives. The representative members were elected in the Gilbert andEllice Islands Advisory Council election held in 1964. The ResidentCommissioner was now required to consult the Executive Council regarding thecreation of laws to make decisions that affected the Gilbert and Ellice IslandsColony.[39]

The Tungaru Association was created by ReubenUatioa to “promote Gilbertese culture and interests,” and in1965, the Gilbertese National Party, firstpolitical party of the colony, was established with the same leader, protestingabout the lack of consideration that British rulers have towards Gilbertese,preferring somehow the Ellicean civil servants. A Constitution was introducedin 1967, which created a House of Representatives for the Gilbert and ElliceIslands colony that comprised seven appointed officials and 23 members electedby the islanders. Tuvalu elected four members of the House of Representatives.The 1967 Constitution also established the Governing Council. The House ofRepresentatives only had the authority to recommend laws; the Governing Councilhad the authority to enact laws following a recommendation from the House ofRepresentatives.[39]

A select committee of the House of Representatives wasestablished to consider whether the constitution should be changed to givelegislative power to the House of Representatives. The proposal was that ElliceIslanders woulda be allocated 4 seats out of 24 member parliament, whichreflected the differences in populations between Elice Islanders andGilbertese.[40] Itbecame apparent that the Elliceans were concerned about their minority statuson the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, and the Elliceans wanted equalrepresentation to that of the Gilbertese. A new constitution was introduced in1971, which provided that each of the Ellice Islands (except Niulakita) elected one representative. However, thatdid not end the Tuvaluan movement for separation.[41]

In 1974 Ministerial government wasintroduced in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony through a change to theConstitution.[39]

Elections and the transition to parliamentary government[edit]

The 1967 constitution created a House of Representatives(parliament), whose members were elected in the following elections:

·       1967Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election

·       1971Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election[42]

·       1974Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election[43]

Dissolution of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony

A referendum was held in Ellice Islands, including Elliceans livingin OceanIsland and Tarawa, fromJuly to September 1974, using a rolling ballot, to determine whether theGilbert Islands and Ellice Islands should each have their own administration.[44][45] Theresult of the referendum, was that 3,799 Elliceans voted for separation fromthe Gilbert Islands and continuance of British rule as a separate colony, and293 Elliceans voted to remain as the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony. Therewere 40 spoilt papers.[46]

As a consequence of the 1974Ellice Islands self-determination referendum,separation occurred in two stages. The Tuvaluan Order 1975 made by the Privy Council, whichtook effect on 1 October 1975, recognised Tuvalu as a separate Britishdependency with its own government. The second stage occurred on 1 January 1976when two separate administrations were created out of the civil service of theGilbert and Ellice Islands Colony.[39] TheBritish conducted a formal inquiry into Tuvaluan attitudes towards secession,and announced that a referendum was to be held, in which Tuvaluans could chooseto remain with the Gilberts or secede. They were told that if they separatedthey would not receive royalties from the Ocean Island phosphate or otherassets of the colony. Despite this, 3,799 Tuvaluans (92%) voted to secede,while 293 voted against separation. On 1 October 1975, legal separation fromthe Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati), took place. On 1 January 1976, fulladministration of the new colony was transferred from SouthTarawa to Funafuti. Tuvalu became an independent constitutionalmonarchy and the 38th member of the Commonwealth of Nations on 1 October 1978.[47][39][48]

The Gilbert Islands attained independence on 12 July 1979 underthe name Kiribati bythe Kiribati Independence Order 1979, as a republic with Commonwealthmembership. That day the colonial flag was lowered for the last time with aparade commemorating both the newly independent state and in memorial of theintense battles fought on Tarawa in World War II. The parade included manydignitaries from home and abroad. The name Kiribati (pronounced kʲiriˈbas) isthe local writing rendition of "Gilberts" in the Gilbertese language.

Banaba,formerly rich in phosphates before becoming fully depleted inthe latter colonial years, also sued for independence in1979 and boycotted the Kiribati ceremonies. The Banabans wanted greater autonomy and reparationsof around $250 million for revenue they had not received and for environmentaldestruction caused by phosphate mining practices similar to those on Nauru. TheBritish authorities had relocated most of the population to RabiIslandFiji, after1945, but by the 1970s some were returning to Banaba. The British rejected theBanaban independence proposal, and the island remained under the jurisdictionof Kiribati.

Social history[edit]

In 1935, there were 33,713 people in the Colony. Compared to1934 the figures were: Gilbertese, 29,291 (28,654); Ellice Islanders, 4,154(4,042); Europeans, 244 (254); Chinese (exclusive of indentured labourers), 24(41).[49] In1935, there were 6,924 children receiving primary standard education through 4government schools and 79 mission schools operated by the London Missionary Society (LMS)and the Roman Catholic Sacred Heart Order.[50] Throughoutthe Gilbert Islands, instruction was given in the Gilbertese language, exceptat the King George V. School (Tarawa) and theSacred Heart Boys’ School (Butaritari),where instruction was delivered in English. In the Ellice Islands, instructionwas delivered in the Samoanlanguage, due to the influence of the early LMS Samoan missionaries andthe affinity of the Ellice language with Samoan.[50] During1935 two students of the King George V. School were sent to the Central MedicalSchool at Suva, Fiji. This made 4 students, 2 Gilbertese and 2 Ellice Islandersbeing trained as Native Medical Practitioners (as medical practitioners fromthe islands were described).[50] Eightformer students of King George V. School were employed as Native Medical Practitionersin the Colony.[50]

In 1953, the enrolments were: in 12 government schools (722pupils); the London Missionary Society (4,392); the Roman Catholic Sacred HeartMission (3,088); and the Seventh Day Adventist Mission, which establishedschools in the Gilberts in 1950 (165).[51] Newpremises for the King George V. School were opened on Bikenibeu, Tarawa, with109 students, some of whom came from the Government Temporary School at Abemamaand other boys came from Elisefou school on Vaitupu, which was also closed.[51] Anew curriculum was introduced for primary schools which included instruction inEnglish to the older aged students.[51] Thelack of proficiency in the English language was limiting the performance ofstudents at the secondary school level and those seeking to attend universitiesin other countries.[51]

The Gilbert a Ellice Islands were represented at the 1963 PacificGames at SuvaFiji, bytennis players, and also table tennis players who won a bronze medal.[52] Alarger team was sent to the 1966 Pacific Games at NouméaNew Caledonia, including athletes to competein the half-mile, mile and the high jump event.[52]

A census in 1968 counted the population of the colony at 53,517residents. 44,206 were in the Gilbert Islands, 5,782 in the ElliceIslands, 2,192 in OceanIsland and 1,180 in the Line Islands. From this total 7,465 were“Polynesians” (mostly from Tuvalu) and 1,155 “Others” (Europeans andMongoloids).[53]

Postal history[edit]

The Gilbert and Ellice Islands used their own postage stampsfrom 1911.


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e="color:black;">[31] The UnionIslands were transferred to New Zealand in 1926, but formally onlyin 1948.[32]

The Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony continued to beadministered by a Resident Commissioner. In 1930 the ResidentCommissioner, ArthurGrimble, issued revised laws, Regulations for the good Orderand Cleanliness of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands, which replaced lawscreated during the BWTP.[22]

On 31 December 1936, the population of the Crown Colony totalled34,443 inhabitants, including 32,390 Gilbert and Ellice Islanders, 262Europeans and 923 Chinese ("Mongoloids"). HenryEvans Maude, the land commissioner of the colony, considered the thencolony overcrowded. The Phoenix Islands were added to the colony in1937 with the view of a Phoenix Islands SettlementScheme.[33] On6 August 1936, a party from HMS Leith landed on CantonIsland in the Phoenix Group and planted a sign asserting Britishsovereignty in the name of King Edward VIII. On 18 March 1937, Great Britainannexed the uninhabited Phoenix Islands (except Howland and Baker Islands) to theGilbert and Ellice Islands colony.


Banaba (OceanIsland) remained the headquarters of the colony until the British evacuation in1942 during the Pacific War when Ocean Island and the Gilbert Islandswere occupiedby the Japanese. The UnitedStates forces landed in Funafuti on2 October 1942 and on Nanumea and Nukufetau in August 1943 and constructed anairfield on each island and other bases. The atolls of Tuvalu acted as astaging post during the preparation for the Battle of Tarawa and the Battle of Makin that commenced on 20 November 1943.Colonel VivianFox-Strangways, was theResident Commissioner of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony in 1941, who waslocated on Funafuti.[34]

After World War II, the colony headquarters was re-establishedon Tarawa, firston Betio islet and subsequently on Bairikiislet.[33][35][36][37] InNovember 1945, Fox-Strangways was replaced as Resident Commissioner by HenryEvans Maude (1946 to 1949). He was succeed by John Peel, who retired in 1951.

By the Tokelau Act of 1948sovereignty over Tokelau wastransferred to New Zealand. The five islands of the Central and Southern LineIslands were added to the colony in 1972.[33]

The Gilbertese initiated a cultural movement called Tungaru ledby ReubenUatioa and created the Gilbertese National Party in1965, protesting that British rulers showed preference to Ellicean civilservants. The Elliceans (further Tuvaluans) were concerned about their minoritystatus in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony. In 1974, ethnic differenceswithin the colony caused the Polynesians of the Ellice Islands tovote for separation from the Gilbert Islands (later Kiribati). On 1October 1975, the Ellice Islands became the separate British colony of Tuvalu, but theseparation was completed on 1 January 1976.

Transition to self-determination

In 1946, Tarawa, in theGilbert Islands, was made the administrative capital, replacing Ocean Island.The headquarters of the Colony were transferred from Betio to Bairiki. Thisdevelopment included establishing the KingGeorge V Secondary School for boys and the ElaineBernacchi Secondary School for girls.[38]

A Colony Conference was organised at Marakei in 1956, which was attended by officialsand representatives (magistrates) from each island in the Gilbert and ElliceIslands Colony, conferences were held every two years until 1962. Thedevelopment of administration continued with the creation in 1963 of anAdvisory Council of five officials and 12 representatives who were appointed bythe Resident Commissioner.[39][38] In1964 an Executive Council was established with eight officials and eightrepresentatives. The representative members were elected in the Gilbert andEllice Islands Advisory Council election held in 1964. The ResidentCommissioner was now required to consult the Executive Council regarding thecreation of laws to make decisions that affected the Gilbert and Ellice IslandsColony.[39]

The Tungaru Association was created by ReubenUatioa to “promote Gilbertese culture and interests,” and in1965, the Gilbertese National Party, firstpolitical party of the colony, was established with the same leader, protestingabout the lack of consideration that British rulers have towards Gilbertese,preferring somehow the Ellicean civil servants. A Constitution was introducedin 1967, which created a House of Representatives for the Gilbert and ElliceIslands colony that comprised seven appointed officials and 23 members electedby the islanders. Tuvalu elected four members of the House of Representatives.The 1967 Constitution also established the Governing Council. The House ofRepresentatives only had the authority to recommend laws; the Governing Councilhad the authority to enact laws following a recommendation from the House ofRepresentatives.[39]

A select committee of the House of Representatives wasestablished to consider whether the constitution should be changed to givelegislative power to the House of Representatives. The proposal was that ElliceIslanders woulda be allocated 4 seats out of 24 member parliament, whichreflected the differences in populations between Elice Islanders andGilbertese.[40] Itbecame apparent that the Elliceans were concerned about their minority statuson the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony, and the Elliceans wanted equalrepresentation to that of the Gilbertese. A new constitution was introduced in1971, which provided that each of the Ellice Islands (except Niulakita) elected one representative. However, thatdid not end the Tuvaluan movement for separation.[41]

In 1974 Ministerial government wasintroduced in the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony through a change to theConstitution.[39]

Elections and the transition to parliamentary government[edit]

The 1967 constitution created a House of Representatives(parliament), whose members were elected in the following elections:

·       1967Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election

·       1971Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election[42]

·       1974Gilbert and Ellice Islands general election[43]

Dissolution of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony

A referendum was held in Ellice Islands, including Elliceans livingin OceanIsland and Tarawa, fromJuly to September 1974, using a rolling ballot, to determine whether theGilbert Islands and Ellice Islands should each have their own administration.[44][45] Theresult of the referendum, was that 3,799 Elliceans voted for separation fromthe Gilbert Islands and continuance of British rule as a separate colony, and293 Elliceans voted to remain as the Gilbert and Ellice Islands colony. Therewere 40 spoilt papers.[46]

As a consequence of the 1974Ellice Islands self-determination referendum,separation occurred in two stages. The Tuvaluan Order 1975 made by the Privy Council, whichtook effect on 1 October 1975, recognised Tuvalu as a separate Britishdependency with its own government. The second stage occurred on 1 January 1976when two separate administrations were created out of the civil service of theGilbert and Ellice Islands Colony.[39] TheBritish conducted a formal inquiry into Tuvaluan attitudes towards secession,and announced that a referendum was to be held, in which Tuvaluans could chooseto remain with the Gilberts or secede. They were told that if they separatedthey would not receive royalties from the Ocean Island phosphate or otherassets of the colony. Despite this, 3,799 Tuvaluans (92%) voted to secede,while 293 voted against separation. On 1 October 1975, legal separation fromthe Gilbert Islands (now Kiribati), took place. On 1 January 1976, fulladministration of the new colony was transferred from SouthTarawa to Funafuti. Tuvalu became an independent constitutionalmonarchy and the 38th member of the Commonwealth of Nations on 1 October 1978.[47][39][48]

The Gilbert Islands attained independence on 12 July 1979 underthe name Kiribati bythe Kiribati Independence Order 1979, as a republic with Commonwealthmembership. That day the colonial flag was lowered for the last time with aparade commemorating both the newly independent state and in memorial of theintense battles fought on Tarawa in World War II. The parade included manydignitaries from home and abroad. The name Kiribati (pronounced kʲiriˈbas) isthe local writing rendition of "Gilberts" in the Gilbertese language.

Banaba,formerly rich in phosphates before becoming fully depleted inthe latter colonial years, also sued for independence in1979 and boycotted the Kiribati ceremonies. The Banabans wanted greater autonomy and reparationsof around $250 million for revenue they had not received and for environmentaldestruction caused by phosphate mining practices similar to those on Nauru. TheBritish authorities had relocated most of the population to RabiIslandFiji, after1945, but by the 1970s some were returning to Banaba. The British rejected theBanaban independence proposal, and the island remained under the jurisdictionof Kiribati.

Social history[edit]

In 1935, there were 33,713 people in the Colony. Compared to1934 the figures were: Gilbertese, 29,291 (28,654); Ellice Islanders, 4,154(4,042); Europeans, 244 (254); Chinese (exclusive of indentured labourers), 24(41).[49] In1935, there were 6,924 children receiving primary standard education through 4government schools and 79 mission schools operated by the London Missionary Society (LMS)and the Roman Catholic Sacred Heart Order.[50] Throughoutthe Gilbert Islands, instruction was given in the Gilbertese language, exceptat the King George V. School (Tarawa) and theSacred Heart Boys’ School (Butaritari),where instruction was delivered in English. In the Ellice Islands, instructionwas delivered in the Samoanlanguage, due to the influence of the early LMS Samoan missionaries andthe affinity of the Ellice language with Samoan.[50] During1935 two students of the King George V. School were sent to the Central MedicalSchool at Suva, Fiji. This made 4 students, 2 Gilbertese and 2 Ellice Islandersbeing trained as Native Medical Practitioners (as medical practitioners fromthe islands were described).[50] Eightformer students of King George V. School were employed as Native Medical Practitionersin the Colony.[50]

In 1953, the enrolments were: in 12 government schools (722pupils); the London Missionary Society (4,392); the Roman Catholic Sacred HeartMission (3,088); and the Seventh Day Adventist Mission, which establishedschools in the Gilberts in 1950 (165).[51] Newpremises for the King George V. School were opened on Bikenibeu, Tarawa, with109 students, some of whom came from the Government Temporary School at Abemamaand other boys came from Elisefou school on Vaitupu, which was also closed.[51] Anew curriculum was introduced for primary schools which included instruction inEnglish to the older aged students.[51] Thelack of proficiency in the English language was limiting the performance ofstudents at the secondary school level and those seeking to attend universitiesin other countries.[51]

The Gilbert a Ellice Islands were represented at the 1963 PacificGames at SuvaFiji, bytennis players, and also table tennis players who won a bronze medal.[52] Alarger team was sent to the 1966 Pacific Games at NouméaNew Caledonia, including athletes to competein the half-mile, mile and the high jump event.[52]

A census in 1968 counted the population of the colony at 53,517residents. 44,206 were in the Gilbert Islands, 5,782 in the ElliceIslands, 2,192 in OceanIsland and 1,180 in the Line Islands. From this total 7,465 were“Polynesians” (mostly from Tuvalu) and 1,155 “Others” (Europeans andMongoloids).[53]

Postal history[edit]

The Gilbert and Ellice Islands used their own postage stampsfrom 1911.



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