Kenya Uganda Tanganyika (KUT)

Kenya Uganda Tanganyika (KUT)








Postage stamps and postal history ofKenya, Uganda, Tanganyika

Kenya, Uganda, Tanganyika (KUT) is the nameon British postage stamps made for use in the British colonies of KenyaUganda, and Tanganyika. The stamps werecirculated between 1935 and 1963 by the joint postal service of the threecolonies, the East African Posts and Telecommunications Administration,reconstituted as part of the EastAfrican High Commission from 1948 to 1961, the East African Common Services Organization from 1961 to 1967,and the EastAfrican Community from 1967 to 1977.[1] Even after independence, the newseparate nations continued to use the KUT stamps, and they remained valid forpostage until 1977.

First K.U.T. stamps

The first stamps marked Kenya, Uganda andTanganyika were issued in 1935, in the form of commondesign commemoratives for the Silver Jubilee of King GeorgeV aswell as a definitiveseries featuringa profile of the king and local scenes. They replaced stamps marked "EastAfrica and Uganda Protectorates" and "Kenya and Uganda".The definitives included a dramatic departure from the usual engraved stamps of the period; the 10c and £1stamp were typographed and had a silhouette of a lion, with color combinations of black/yellowand black/red, respectively.

George VI

The same designs were reissued in 1938 witha profile of GeorgeVI.Wartime exigencies forced the use of surcharges on four South African stamps in 1941 and 1942, but afterthe war the usual common types (PeaceIssueSilver Wedding Issue, etc.) resumed.

Queen Elizabeth II

A definitive series, with new designs, wasissued in 1954 for Queen Elizabeth, and in 1958 a pair ofcommemoratives marked the 100th anniversary of the discovery (from a Europeanperspective) of the Great Lakes ofAfrica by Burton and Speke.

A new definitive series in 1960 usedsimpler and more symbolic designs, and was followed in 1963 by three sets ofcommemoratives. At this point postal service was taken over by the East AfricanCommon Services Organization, which issued commemoratives for the 1964 SummerOlympics inscribed"Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar", even though they were neveractually used in Zanzibar. After Tanganyika mergedwith Zanzibar to form Tanzania, subsequent stamps were inscribed"Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania", with the three names being listed inrandomly varying orders.[4]

These stamps were issued in parallel with stampsfrom each of the newly independent nations. The Common Services Organizationcontinued to issue various commemoratives, at the rate of about 10-12 per year,until early in 1976.


Tanganyika Territory

Tanganyika was a colonial territory in East Africa whichwas administered by the United Kingdom invarious guises from 1916 to 1961. It was initially administered under amilitary occupation regime. From 20 July 1922, it was formalised into a Leagueof Nations mandate under Britishrule. From 1946, it was administered by the UK as a UnitedNations trust territory.

Before World War I,Tanganyika formed part of the German colony of German East Africa. It was gradually occupied by forces from the British Empire and Belgian Congo duringthe EastAfrica Campaign, although Germanresistance continued until 1918. After this, the League of Nations formalised the UK's control of the area, whorenamed it "Tanganyika". The UK held Tanganyika as a League ofNations mandate until the end of World War II afterwhich it was held as a United Nations trustterritory. In 1961, Tanganyika gained its independence from the UK as Tanganyika. It became a republic a year later. Tanganyika now formspart of the modern-day sovereign state of Tanzania.


The name of the territory was taken fromthe large lake in its westHenry Morton Stanley had found the name of "Tanganika", whenhe travelled to Ujiji in 1876. He wrote that the locals were notsure about its meaning and conjectured that it meant something like "thegreat lake spreading out like a plain", or "plain-like lake".[1]

The name was chosen by the British withthe Treaty of Versailles, and as such the name took effect when Britain was givencontrol of Tanganyika in 1920. Britain needed a new name to replace"Deutsch Ostafrika" or "German East Africa". Various nameswere considered, including "Smutsland" in honour of General Jan Smuts (deniedfor being "inelegant"), "Eburnea," "NewMaryland," "Windsorland" after the British Royal Family's newfamily name, and "Victoria" after both the Lake and the Queen. TheColonial Secretary insisted that "a native name prominently associatedwith the territory" be selected. "Kilimanjaro",analogous to "Kenya," named after the country's highest mountain, and"Tabora", after the town and trading centre nearthe geographical centre of the country, were proposed and rejected. Then, thedeputy undersecretary to the Colonial Secretary proposed "TanganyikaProtectorate" after Lake Tanganyika; thename was modified after a "junior official suggested that 'Territory' wasmore in accordance with the [League of Nations mandate]" and that wasadopted.[2]


The area that made up Tanganyika wascommonly visited by Arabic traders who would come to the area to buy slaves andivory. The island of Zanzibar was even taken as a part of the Sultanate ofOman, when Seyyid Said cameto power in 1806, Omani interests in Tanzania began to increase. During the early19th century, with British support, Oman began developing in the region moreclosely to prevent French growth in the Indian ocean and grow Oman’s wealth andinfluence.[3] Tradecaravans began venturing further into the continent, connecting the coast andthe interior together. In some areas, Islam became adopted by the nativepeoples such as the Yao in the south of the country. Islam has continued to bea major religion within the area, with 36% of Tanzanian population adhering toIslam.[4]

In the second half of the 19th century,European explorers and colonialists travelled through the African interiorfrom Zanzibar. In 1885, the German Empire declaredits intent to establish a protectorate in the area, named German East Africa (GEA), under the leadership of Carl Peters.When the Sultan of Zanzibar objected, German warships threatened to bombard hispalace. Britain and Germany then agreed to divide the mainland into spheres ofinfluence, and the Sultan was forced to acquiesce. The Germans brutallyrepressed the Maji Maji Rebellion of 1905. The German colonial administrationinstituted an educational programme for native Africans, including elementary,secondary, and vocational schools.[5][6][page needed]

The German colonial administrationsdeveloped the colony through several means. Cultivation of several profitablecash crops such as cotton, sisal, coco and coffee were important to developingthe colony as these resources were used for Germany consumers and industry.Sisal, was especially valuable to rope production, and was one of German EastAfrica’s largest exports. In 1893 there was only one Sisal plantation in thecountry, by 1913 there were 54. At the end of 1913, the country exported over20,000 tons of sisal, making up 30% of their total exports.[7] Toensure that these resources could be moved easily, several railways were built.The most important of which was the CentralLine or Mittellandbahn, which connectedmuch of the country towards the port city of Dar es Salam. This railroad isstill in use today and has since been connected to other railways across thecountry.

After the defeat of Germany during World War I, GEAwas divided among the victorious powers under the Treaty of Versailles. Apartfrom Ruanda-Urundi (assigned to Belgium) and thesmall Kionga Triangle (assignedto Portuguese Mozambique), the territory was transferred to British control."Tanganyika" was adopted by the British as the name for its part ofthe former German East Africa.

In 1927, Tanganyika entered the Customs Union ofthe EastAfrica Protectorate and the Uganda Protectorate, which eventually became the independent countries ofKenya and Uganda, and the East African Postal Union, later the East AfricanPosts and Telecommunications Administration. Cooperation expanded with thoseprotectorates and, later, countries in a number of ways, leading to theestablishment of the EastAfrican High Commission (1948–1961)and the East African Common Services Organisation (1961–1967), forerunners of the EastAfrican Community. The country heldits firstelections in 1958 and 1959. The following yearit was granted internal self-government and freshelections were held. Both elections were won bythe TanganyikaAfrican National Union (TANU),which led the country to independence in December 1961. The followingyear apresidential election washeld, with TANU leader Julius Nyerere emergingvictorious. In the mid-20th century, Tanganyika was the largest producerof beeswax in theworld.[8]

The British state took control of thecolony of Tanganyika as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. Once Britain tookcontrol of the colony, they wished it to be a ‘Black man’s country’.. TheBritish state wished for this colony to be similar to the Nigeria interms of its state structure. And as the policy of colonial rule in Nigeriachanged to indirect rule so too did the governance of Tanganyika. TheBritish also pursued an anti-German policy which was led by the head officialin Tanganyika, Sir Horace Bryatt. Bryatt was an unpopular politician, and hispolicies of expelling Germans cause Tanganyika’s population to half. Many ofthe ex-German plantations were sold to European companies and mixed farms weregiven to new British owners. Much of Tanganyika’s economy was basedaround cash crops, in particular Coffee.[9]

British rule did have positives for theAsian community living in Tanganyika, as they were protected by the Britain asthey were no longer attacked as they were during the war. Many of them wereemployed from the Indian administration to work for the Tanganyikanadministration. This led to the Asian population in Tanganyika increasing from8,698 in 1912 to 25,144 in 1931.[9]

One of the major drivers for decolonisationin Tanganyika was TANU which was founded in 1954, led by Julius Nyerere.[10] In1963, TANU opened its doors to all members of society within Tanganyika,whereas it had previously only been open to Africans.[11]

The success of TANU can be seen in the 1958election under colonial rule where TANU candidates or TANU-supported candidateswon every seat. The majority of the voters in Tanganyika were African,approximately two-thirds of the 28,500 registered voters,[11] withthem coming from across the country.

There was some resistance, though, from theBritish settlers who established the UnitedTanganyikan Party (UTP) by BrianWillis in 1956. However, the party became redundant as it was clear thatNyerere and TANU were going to win the battle over Tanganyikan independence.UTP was less effective due to the £4,000 annual salary for Willis which limitedthe party’s effectiveness, as they lacked funds to campaign effectively.[12]

Tanganyika eventually gained itsindependence on 9 December 1961,[13] afterNyerere had met a British government representative to arrange the steps to betaken on the road to independence.[9]

Tanganyikan independence[edit]

The British colony of Tanganyika gainedindependence on 9 December 1961, with Julius Nyerere becoming first, its primeminister in 1960 under British rule, and then president when Tanganyika wasdeclared a republic in 1962. The main leader of the independencemovement was undoubtedly Nyerere, who led the party TANU, which was a sociallydiverse group which had shared demands for independence from Britain.[14] TANUgained most of its political support through national issues. For example,TANU, discussed and promoted fears that the colonial state had attempted to givea disproportionate amount of power to the European and Asian minority groupsliving within Tanganyika. This would have undermined the entire basis ofTanganyika independence. TANU installed a deep-rooted fear within the Africanpopulation that the colonialists might still rule or have influence, even afterindependence.[15]

Challenges after independence[edit]

Although independence came peacefully forTanganyika, the country suffered from similar problems with many otherpost-colonial African countries such as poor financial resources and inadequatelevels of infrastructure. However, two of the main factors that burdenedTanganyika’s independence was its geography and its surrounding neighbours. Thedestabilizing conflicts that bordered Tanganyika meant that refugees from theCongo, Burundi, and Rwanda often flooded into Tanganyika.[16] Theinflux of refugees was a huge issue for Tanganyika so soon after independence.These challenges only emphasized the insecurities of Tanganyika and its people.In addition, Nyerere's growing emphasis on modernisation and his Africansocialist ideology known as Ujamaa sawmany rural farmers' livelihoods destroyed by encroaching agriculturalists. In1964, after the Zanzibar Revolution which saw the Arab rule of Zanzibar overthrown,Tanganyika merged with Zanzibar to become the United Republic of Tanganyika,which later became known as Tanzania on 26 April 1964.[17]

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