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World's Best Shirt Stays from - Made in USA (Y-Style, Select Series)

Product Description

Made in USA
Clip closure
DESIGNED to be the most comfortable Shirt Stays you have ever worn. The original "World's Best Shirt Stays" (as trademarked with the USPTO). Created by a police officer to meet the demands of LEO, military and men and women in uniform. Copied often but never beat.
MADE IN THE USA! - High quality is synonymous with close attention to detail, that can only be achieved with local manufacturing. Feel confident knowing your shirt keeper order is supporting an innovative American business.
DURABLE - The patented elastic strap is designed to be the longest lasting, most comfortable on the market. shirt stays are built to be worn daily and withstand washing. Metal clasps with nylon teeth firmly grip your dress shirts all day without damaging them.
ADJUSTABLE - Our Select Series shirt stays are adjustable and designed to fit perfectly. Each shirt tucker has a lot of play to ensure a perfect fit and a shirt tucked in comfortably all day long. They also attach to your sock to function as sock suspenders (sock garters).
We proudly manufacture top-quality shirt stays for men and women in uniform as well as hardworking professionals who want a shirt holder or shirt garter to help them look sharp at the office, in the boardroom or on a sales call.