Chronik - 25 Jahre Michel Werke, Halle an der Saale 1906 - 1931   - Braunkohle, das Buch hat 56 Seiten. Die künstlerische Gestaltung der Festschrift in Bild und Schrift besorgten Hans Seyppel und Hanns Herkendell, Maler und Werbegraphiker Düsseldorf. Die Wortgestaltung Peter Schröder. Den Buchdruck auf Japanpapier Mathias Struken Düsseldorf. Einband etwas berieben, Seiten oben rechts kleine Eselsohren. Werbung, Reklame.

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Chronicle - 25 years of Michel Works, Halle an der Saale 1906 - 1931 - brown coal, the book has 56 pages. Hans Seyppel and Hanns Herkendell, painters and advertising designers from Düsseldorf, were responsible for the artistic design of the commemorative publication in images and writing. The word design Peter Schröder. Letterpress printing on Japanese paper Mathias Struken Düsseldorf. Cover slightly rubbed, pages with small dog ears on the top right. Advertising. This is an auction, NOT an immediate purchase and no item will be removed from the auction early. As a general rule, items are sent abroad as registered mail.