We present to you the resource deck of metaphorical cards - 'Source'. This deck is designed as fully resourceful, focusing on images that support and assist individuals in finding inner strength, locating a point of support, and achieving a positive state.

Special attention was paid to its universality during the creation of the deck: it is suitable for both women and men, includes various inspiring images, and can be used for resourcing in inquiries on various topics.

Each card illustrates a specific resourceful state or action that contributes to the discovery of a person's strengths and setting a positive tone. Some cards contain archetypal resource symbols such as a campfire, an open door, a road, a staircase, and others, which can also evoke desired 'strong' states.

The deck contains 130 cards measuring 85 by 100 mm. Also included in the set is a mini-instruction in Ukrainian and an insert with a QR code that leads to Google Drive with English and Russian versions of the instructions, as well as descriptions of several techniques for working with the deck.

The corners are rounded, offset printing is used, and the cards are bright and pleasant to the touch. The 'Psychosphere' project was created by Yulia and Gennady Demidovs.

Our cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal development. They will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your desires, and motivations, as well as shed light on aspects of your personality that may be hidden or not readily apparent. Use them as a tool for exploring yourself and your surroundings, for gaining new perspectives, and for achieving personal goals. We guarantee fast shipping worldwide so you can start your journey to self-discovery immediately.