The price is for the 10 coins which were casted from BC 221 to 1820 AD.

The 1st coin(from left to right): "Ban Liang" (half teal)  Qin Dynasty: The Qin Ban Liang (half teal) coins, in a round-with-a-central-square-hole form, became a national legal currency since the first emperor united the country (221 BC). The denomination "Ban Liang" refers to its weight.

The 2nd coin: "Wu Zhu" (five Zhu) : Han Dynasty(BC206-220AD):  "Wu Zhu" coins were about 3 gram each, were cast in the Wudi reign period (140-135BC) of the Han dynasty.As the denomination met well the needs of circulation, it was continuously used till the Sui dynasty (581-618).

The 3rd coin:"Huo Quan"  Xin Dynasty (9-20)

The 4rd coin: "Kai Yuan Tong Bao"  Tang Dynasty(618-907): In 621, the 4th year of Tang Emperor Wude, "Kal Yuan Tong Bao" coins were formally issued and the former "Wu Zhu" coin system was abolished. As the major currency of the Tang dynasty, each "Kai Yuan Tong Bao" coin weighed one-tenth Liang (tael, each tael then equals 42 gram), which began the decimal system in ancient China. "Tong Bao" and "Yuan Bao" were the names of money.

The 5th(1st, 2nd Row) &6th coins: "Yuan Feng Tong Bao"(1078-1085) Big (2 Cash) Coin: Running Script & Seal Script. The coin equals 2 standard coins (as the 7th&8th coin are the standard ones) in that time. So it is bigger and thicker than standard ones.  

The 7th coin : "Yuan Feng Tong Bao" (Running Script) It was casted in 1078-1085, Song Dynasty(960-1279).

The 8th coin: "Yuan Feng Tong Bao"(1078-1085) Seal Script  Song Dynasty(960-1279)

The 9th coin: "Hong Wu Tong Bao" It was casted from 1368 to 1398 AD, the first Emperor of Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)

The 10th coin:"Dao Guang Tong Bao"  Qing Dynasty(1616-1911 AD)

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