Orig. 1968 Movie Still Photo of ROGER CORMAN filming "The Wild Angels" from the Black Hole Behind the Scenes.

This is an original vintage print from a Movie Studio Archive or a News Media Press Service Archive, not a modern reprint or photocopy.

very good condition


The Wild Angels is a 1966 American independent[3] outlaw biker film produced and directed by Roger Corman. Made on location in Southern California, The Wild Angels was the first film to associate actor Peter Fonda with Harley-Davidson motorcycles and 1960s counterculture. It inspired the biker film genre that continued into the early 1970s. The Wild Angels, released by American International Pictures (AIP), stars Fonda as the fictitious Hells Angels San Pedro, California chapter president "Heavenly Blues" (or "Blues"), Nancy Sinatra as his girlfriend "Mike", Bruce Dern as doomed fellow outlaw "the Loser", and Dern's then real-life wife Diane Ladd as the Loser's on-screen wife, "Gaysh".

Peter Fonda as "Heavenly Blues"
Nancy Sinatra as "Mike"
Bruce Dern as Joe "Loser" Kearns
Diane Ladd as "Gaysh"
Buck Taylor as "Dear John"
Norman Alden as Medic
Michael J. Pollard as "Pigmy"
Joan Shawlee as Momma Monahan
Frank Maxwell as Preacher
Gayle Hunnicutt as Suzie
Dick Miller as Rigger
Marc Cavell as "Frankenstein"


From the estate of a former entertainment industry executive.

Mailed in sturdy cardboard envelope with stiff sheet of cardboard inserted. Photo inserted into a clear sheet protector.

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